Co-production and dialogue are front and centre.

For several years, we have been at the forefront of developing co-productive events that bring people together from across different backgrounds, sectors and disciplines to work on complex issues that demand interdisciplinary solutions and collaborations.

We are passionate about developing events where the participants have time to get to know one another, voice their opinions, share experiences and develop new ideas. We focus on creating an atmosphere where people feel welcome and valued. Doing so increases the chances of meaningful connections and future collaborations. 

We facilitate all these processes either directly, or via training others to be group leaders or coordinators. We want the dialogues to be as natural as possible so the facilitation is usually subtle so that the participants develop innovative ideas where people have fun, are inspired and develop ideas that could genuinely become reality.

We have led the development of Norway’s Klimathon events which have brought people together from different sectors to develop solutions to issues related to climate adaptation. The Finnish Ekothon events have been truly inspiring with themes centred around regional sustainability and contributing ideas to grass-roots organizations. The Miljødirektoratatet Klimakrønsj event was an online hackathon and networking event where participants from municipalities across Norway worked together to develop ideas about climate-friendly societal development. Adaptalabs are international hacktahton-like events to help inspire co-creation in the European project Impetus4Change. The first Adaptalab was held in Paris in 2023. Two more are planned in the coming years.

We are keen to work with organizations and research projects who want to invest in true collaborative dialogues. All these events are developed through lengthy co-development processes where everyone is heard.